At LaCygne Elementary, Team Wittry recently sponsored a peanut butter drive to benefit the local food pantry. Classes competed to see who contributed the most peanut butter. Mrs. Isbell’s class won a 20 minute recess! The school donated 140 jars of peanut butter. Thank you to our contributors for helping us to help others.
over 6 years ago, Cindy Dziadosz
Team Wittry Peanut Butter
High school basketball practice is canceled for tonight 11/12 and tomorrow morning.
over 6 years ago, Mark Meek
There will be no middle school girls basketball game this evening at Iola. No practice for middle basketball or wrestling.
over 6 years ago, Mark Meek
No Preschool at Parker Elementary this afternoon November 12, 2018
over 6 years ago, Rex Bollinger
Prairie View has cancelled the Scholar Bowl Tournament for this evening.
over 6 years ago, Mark Meek
LaCygne Elementary Families - Click below to read the November Newsletter
over 6 years ago, Cindy Dziadosz
Parker Veterans Day Celebration November 12, 2018 8:30am at Parker Elementary
over 6 years ago, Mark Staab
Parker Vets Day Celebration
LaCygne Elementary Veteran's Day
over 6 years ago, Cindy Dziadosz
LES Veteran's Day Save the Date
Fall Sport Banquet Tuesday, Nov. 13. Dinner Starts at 6:30 awards follow. Food: Seniors/Sophomores bring a main dish Juniors/Freshman bring a side dish or dessert
over 6 years ago, Mark Meek
Regional playoff football game tonight vs. Parsons. Don't forget no passes this evening; adult $6, student k-12 $5. The north stadium gate will not be open. See you tonight.
over 6 years ago, Mark Meek
Come and help us fill the stadium Friday as we take on the Parsons Vikings. Gates will open at 5:00pm. Admission is $5 for kids(K-12) and $6 for adults. No passes will be accepted. The north stadium gate will not be open so please plan ahead.
over 6 years ago, Mark Meek
Fall Concert 2018
over 6 years ago, Ken Bolt
PVMS Choir
Come out and support the Buffalo football team Friday night as they play Parsons in playoff competition.
over 6 years ago, Beth Sandness
Playoff game
Congratulations to Brooke Allen on her 24th place finish at Class 3A State Cross Country this past Saturday!
over 6 years ago, Beth Sandness
Please join us for the High School Musical on November 9th and 10th at 7:00 pm in the Performing Arts Center.
over 6 years ago, Beth Sandness
Guys and Dolls Rehearsal
Come out Friday night!! Let’s pack the stands!
over 6 years ago, Beth Sandness
PV Pride
Congratulations to the 2018 Buffalo Football team for their District 2 Championship!
over 6 years ago, Beth Sandness
2018 Football District 2 Champions
Varsity girls placed 3rd at Central Heights today. Brooke A. got 7th and Liza H. got 20th. Great job to all the runners today!
over 6 years ago, Rex Bollinger
Track and Football field