PVMS is hiring para-professionals NOW!! Follow the link to apply or call PVMS at 913-757-4497. We currently also have openings for a 6th Grade Teacher and MS SPED Teacher for the 24-25 school year. Apply Today! https://skyward.iscorp.com/scripts/wsisa.dll/WService=wsfinprairieviewks/rapplmnu03.w
about 1 year ago, Andrea Richardson
PVMS - The middle school book club ended their reading of The Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus by participating in a gingerbread amusement park competition. The final products were amazing!!!
about 1 year ago, Andrea Richardson
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Dear Parker Parents, Our Christmas program is Tuesday, December 12th at 7pm in the Prairie View Performing Arts Center. Please have your students there at 6:45pm. Parker staff will be in the middle school cafeteria to collect students and get them to the backstage area. Kids are reminded not to dress too warmly because the stage lights can be hot! If your child is too sick to attend school, they are also too sick to participate in the program unfortunately. We hope to see you all there and Merry Christmas to All!
about 1 year ago, Mark Staab
Good luck to the PVHS Girls Basketball Team opening the season today in the Linn County Tournament! JV @ 5pm, Varsity @ 6 vs Osawatomie, hosted at Pleasanton.
about 1 year ago, Prairie View Buffalos
Good luck to the PVHS Boys Basketball Team opening the season today in the Linn County Tournament! JV @ 5pm, Varsity @ 7:30 vs Osawatomie, hosted at Pleasanton.
about 1 year ago, Prairie View Buffalos
Congratulations to Coach Littrell for earning 3A Girls Track & Field Coach of the Year as voted on by the KCCTFCA! The Buffalos won the 3A Girls State Track & Field Championship last May!
about 1 year ago, Prairie View Buffalos
Check out the The Buff Tuff Shop Christmas Sale! Buff Tuff Christmas Sale Order Form Hello! Thank you for supporting the Buff Tuff Shop for our 2nd Annual Christmas Sale! Orders and payments will be accepted from November 30th to December 6th at 1:45 pm. Please only use 1 form when submitting an order. You can check as many boxes per item for each of the sizes you want for per item. If want 2 of the same size and design select other and type the sizes you are wanting. Payments are due by December 6th at 1:45 p.m. Orders will be ready for pick up no later than December 19th. To order please complete this form. A confirmation email will be sent within 24 hours of receiving your order with details and the total for your order. Buff Tuff Shop accepts cash or check ONLY! Checks can be made out to PVHS FBLA. If you have questions, please reach out at bufftuff@pv362.org THANK YOU! -Buff Tuff Shop Staff https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfQv2FAAPHNSyMeLgwkbrT7VCHf7O68bUkVZ2tLOlxZ1wMIAQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
about 1 year ago, Prairie View Buffalos
The PVHS Community Service Club is hosting a Winter Clothing Drive through December 14. Please bring in any new/used coats, gloves, hats or scarves to donate to those in need of one. You may bring them to Mrs. Chambers' room. Donations all remain in Linn County. Please wash any gently used items first.
about 1 year ago, Prairie View Buffalos
Good luck to the PVHS Boys & Girls Basketball teams opening the season next week in the Linn County Tournament hosted at Pleasanton.
about 1 year ago, Prairie View Buffalos
Good luck to the PVHS Boys & Girls Wrestling teams opening the season on Friday & Saturday at Pleasant Hill!
about 1 year ago, Prairie View Buffalos
Yesterday, PVMS 8th grade students visited the STARS facility in Pleasanton. They viewed many of the programs that may be of interest as they begin making high school class selections in the spring. Thank you to those who chaperoned the trip and those who coordinator the tour.
about 1 year ago, Andrea Richardson
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PVHS will be packing some care packages for deployed soldiers in recognition of Veterans Day. If you have items or money to donate, please send them with your student to the high school or middle school throughout the week of Nov 6-10. Collection buckets are available in both buildings. Any monetary donation is appreciated. Items requested are... individual snack packs small games (travel size) handwarmers beef jerky single serving powdered drink mix packages playing cards gum socks AA batteries
about 1 year ago, Andrea Richardson
care pack
Dear Parker Parents, here are a few reminders. Parent teacher conferences conclude tonight. Please stop by Heritage Park for bounce houses and a food truck tonight from 5-7pm. Friday is our Trunk or Treat party. Morning preschool will parade at 10:45am and afternoon preschool at 1:45pm. Kindergarten through fifth grade will start at 2pm followed by classroom parties until 3pm. Remember, student costumes are brought (not worn) to school and should not include blood or weapons. Finally, there is NO SCHOOL next Monday 10/30, Tuesday 10/31, or Wednesday 11/1. Please call the school with any questions at 913-898-3160. Thank you sincerely for your continued support and Happy Halloween!
about 1 year ago, Mark Staab
PVMS Family and Friends - Check out the link to see your 23-24 PVMS Quarter 1 Honor Roll Recipients. Congratulations to all! Green Honor Roll = 4.0, Black Honor Roll = 3.5-3.99, and White Honor Roll = 3.0-3.49. https://drive.google.com/file/d/164kPHlwzFH0aeZUhhhKeXd6-oWrYBzzM/view?usp=sharing
about 1 year ago, Andrea Richardson
LES wants to thank Kansas Game Warden Mitch Falls for stopping by on Friday and sharing Indy with us. The students ended the quarter with a Buff Rally and spotlighted our Buff Heroes Officer Falls and Indy. Thank you for your service to our community.
about 1 year ago, Cindy Noel
Dear Parker Parents, One of your best opportunities to educate us about your child is during Parent-teacher conferences. Parent-teacher conferences are on Monday, October 23rd and Thursday, October 26th. As usual, parents will sign up for a conference time through Skyward and instructions are attached. Should you have any issues, please communicate with our office staff at 913-898-3160. Thanks!
over 1 year ago, Mark Staab
Being online is a way of life for all of us. Our students are especially vulnerable, but there are ways adults and students can be alert and safe online. The "Be Alert-STOP TRAFFICKING PROJECT" is coming to Prairie View to help us in this endeavor. A special thanks to Ray of Hope for sponsoring this opportunity. On October 16th, there will be an ADULTS ONLY presentation in the PAC at 6pm. We hope parents, guardians, and other community adults may attend.  There will be separate Student Sessions for high school and middle school students on October 17th during the school day. Please click the link below to see more information.  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kVmZyKUCmMR3X_AJI4qBLfQfh_BgUPqs/view?usp=sharing  If you have questions, please visit with your student's principal.
over 1 year ago, Andrea Richardson
stop trafficking
PVMS Families - Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, Oct 23rd, and Thursday, Oct 26th, from 4-8pm on both evenings. If you would like to visit with any of your student's teachers, please sign up for an appointment on Skyward. The appointment scheduling on Skyward will be open Oct 9th-19th. Once the appointment scheduling closes you will have to reach out to teachers via email or phone call for correspondence or to arrange an alternative meeting time. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Andrea Richardson
Hello, Parker Parents! If you haven't already, please make plans to pick up your trash bag orders at the school today Friday October 6 between 3:30pm and 5:30pm. Thanks!
over 1 year ago, Mark Staab